an honour  & privilege sharing this journey 


 I've spent my life dedicated to clearing the pathway of my ancestral ties and trauma so that I can feel whole. What I didn't know was that I was on a quest also to light the path for others! My desire is to support you to be free of the past burdens despite any scale of the obstacle you face. Wholeheartedly to know and own your power, gifts and strengths.

Love Ishala x

My journey over the last 15 years has been one of intense expansion through healing my own childhood abuse and trauma. I not only sought to heal from the abuse but understand why and ultimately, to discover who I truly was beyond what currently defined me.

Seeking one solution after the next with blind faith that someone would have the answer that I needed. But actually, it was going within and accessing my Soul's guidance and Spiritual gifts which gave me the breakthrough I sought. The liberation of my past.

Trauma shapes us specifically to view life through a dim lens and impedes so many factors that impact us daily. So many hopes and dreams dashed or unfulfilled because of the inner workings, least of all the physical impacts of holding complex trauma patterns.  

The same techniques I use today accompanied with strong intuition and trustworthy guidance, sits along side all the knowledge I've acquired of how trauma works within the nervous system, our biology, the physical impacts and not only why and how the trauma is stored but also how to release it.

I have walked the talk and now it is time to light the path for anyone who wants to find the way.  Supporting you to gain access to the true holy grail knowing that no one outside of you can fix or change you - you already have the tools within, it’s just a matter of understanding how to access them with intention to heal and grow. 

There is no greater privilege than to take what I have learnt, implemented and integrated on my own journey and support others to heal.  Freeing themselves as they transcend their trauma and it's layered impacts to align with their true value, worth and magnificence!



"We're here to not only experience life on earth, we are here to make a difference"

Ishala Wayshower



By harnessing my intuitive ability to tap into unseen aspects of what is holding you back, I create the perfect formula to benefit each individual to discover the root cause of an issue that other modalities have yet to reach. This looks different for each person, with the gift to tune into your unconscious and subconscious realms which often holds the key.

My previous career in the corporate world where logic, sensibility and analytical thinking were featured, plays a significant role now as with clear pragmatic communication coupled with understanding energy, inner child and metaphysical information plus lived experience healing my own complex traumas creates a strong skill set and foundation for healing.

Compassionate, empathetic and nurturing are all words I would describe myself with along side as passionate - supporting Humanity to know that there is a reason for everything and anything can be healed when you remember you are more than your experiences.

Turning adversity of what has been devastating, dark and detrimental to knowing freedom, strength and resilience offers me such a personal purpose to inspire others the road map to do the same.

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